Management is a powerful and necessary tool in the business world and within the services sector and a key part in all the business areas and sectors of activity in order to maximize them, make them grow and increase their competitiveness. Therefore, this postgraduate course sets as objectives:
- To provide multidisciplinary know-how in the field of management;
- To understand the importance of business management;
- To master digital marketing and communication strategies;
- To know how to budget;
- To identify the required licences, logistics, operations, and safety in management in general;
- To value digital tools, competitiveness, and innovation.
Target Audience
- Graduates, Masters, Doctors and others from any field of knowledge;
- Chief Executive Officers (CEO) and administrators of small, medium and large-sized enterprises;
- Directors and Managers of small, medium and large-sized enterprises;
- Communication and Marketing Directors;
- Commercial Directors who are Brand and Product Managers and Directors;
- Operations Directors who are potential professionals in the field;
- Other interested applicants.