Organizational Management and Performance Evaluation

Organizational Management and Performance Evaluation


This line of research, focused on the business context, aims to structurally evaluate the different facets of management, its evolution in the context of a strategy set at the organisational level, establishing its impact in the related fields with strong impact on performance appraisal.

The development of papers, chapters and further scientific research is intended, aiming to be published in academic journals according to the research areas.

The international research networks will be privileged in order to be obtained different points of view and contributions to the studies to be developed.

The coordinator of this line of research is Élvio Camacho, PhD candidate.
BIOGRAPHY: He is a PhD candidate in Management from the University Lusíada, holds a Master’s degree in Tourism Strategic Management from the University of Madeira, has completed a post-graduation course in Markets and Financial Assets, INDEG-ISCTE, has a degree in Financial Management, a bachelor’s degree in Banking and Insurance Management, as well as in Corporate Finance Management from the Atlântico – Business School. He is the Chief Executive Officer of AccountingSupport, and the Chief Financial Officer of AtrianMadeira. Chairman of AIPCRAM. Collaborating Member of COMEGI Research Centre. Collaborating Member of CITUR. Director of the Tourism degree. Lecturer at ISAL.


To be a line of research that catalyses and stimulates scientific knowledge in the fields of management and performance appraisal in the academic environment, structurally contributing to the current scientific thought.


This line of research sets as objectives:

  • To develop 3 papers annually, to be published in international journals.
  • To encourage research cooperation with regional entities, creating an annual partnership for the collection, analysis and promotion of the scientific work.
  • Annual participation in a conference.
  • To constantly and permanently reduce all the works developed with students in order to promote a habit and proactive attitude regarding research.

Indicators of Achievement:

  • Number of published papers
  • Established partnerships
  • Participation in conferences