ISAL’s Internal Quality Assurance System
ISAL’s Internal Quality Assurance System includes all the activities implemented in the context of “Management and Tourism Education, Research, Development and Internationalisation”.
Quality Policy
ISAL has established the following quality policy, in line with its statutes, which provides a framework for the definition of annual quality goals:
- To ensure compliance with the legal, regulatory, and statutory requirements, as well as those defined in the internal quality assurance system
- To consolidate and deepen the quality of the training offer, with a commitment to guide it according to the market needs
- To provide the development of the holistic, scientific, technical and civic training of students, promoting their insertion into the active life
- To qualitatively and quantitatively develop the research activities aiming at the socioeconomic impact on the ARM
- To foster close collaboration with all stakeholders and the community in general
- To reinforce and broaden international cooperation activities and their impact on the ARM
- To increase the academic and professional qualifications of the teaching staff and promote the development and updating of skills of all professionals.
This quality policy is published on ISAL’s intranet and website.
The quality policy is reviewed annually and updated whenever there are changes in terms of context (external or internal to ISAL) that justify it. At the same time, the goals will be reviewed in order to permanently reflect the principles established in the stated quality policy.
Quality Objectives
Quality objectives are defined annually and are unfolded in the processes that integrate the SIGQ, the tasks and the professionals involved in them.
The objectives are disseminated via intranet and monitored regularly, through a set of indicators, whose results are analysed at least biannually, in order to identify potential trends and initiate improvement actions.